Monday, March 10, 2008

Idea: Networking

I have an idea for us to consider. Back in the days of '03 when I was an integral part of the Social Justice Ministry Team at Friends Church, an observation kept nagging at me - our networking with other social justice teams at other churches. On the heels of Creating Change 2008 in Detroit, MI....I want to share an idea I think would be fruitful in so many ways - a Social Justice mixer. This is borne from the experiences I had in Creating Change of sitting down in the evenings and having drinks with some of the most spectacular activists and leaders around the country. One night I was able to sit with Donna Rose, former member of the Board of Directors at the Human Rights Campaign, another night I ate with Dave Noble - head of policy at the Task Force, still on another night I ate with the husband or the head of the Task Force, there were also others that I know I will see again in the future and whom I now have begun to know a little better.

What I am thinking is some sandwhiches, something to drink, and time to mingle and network with our equals on these issues at other churches. Specifically, I would like to see us as a church connect with Shilo Baptist Church and Chris Erskine. Perhaps we already do this, perhaps we could do better. I think that if we had a series of chances to just get to know each other better that when events such as our recent FTBTMS screening we can more diversely build coalition and share in the work that is social justice. I think this is a paramount idea for spectacularly changing the energy of social justice in our community - I think it will also take time to work with organizations such as PFLAG and Brazos Progressives to help "set this up". Would you, Sara, and the church be open to this idea? Would you help me in recruiting groups such as the Social Justice team at Shiloh Baptist, the UU, the local Korean Church, etc.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this matter.


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